Terms of consultation

These “Terms and Conditions of Use by Users of the Empiria Studio Contact Form hereinafter referred to as Free Consultation” sets out the rules of free use by Users of the “Contact Form” available on the Empiria Studio website (www.empiria-studio.com), in order to obtain an answer to a question in the thematic scope covered by it.

  1. Definitions - The terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall mean:
    1. Contact form — a form in which Users of the website www.empiria-studio.com post the necessary information and data in order to perform the service/implementation of the submitted application.
    2. User — a person using the “Contact Form” to the extent provided for in these Regulations.
  2. Defining Access Policies Users to the “Contact Form”
    1. Access to the Contact Form is not dependent on the completion of any formalities by the User, in particular this access does not require the User to register and log in.
    2. Empiria Studio provides Users with free access to the Contact Form for an indefinite period of time.
    3. The contact form is used only for correspondence related to the activities of Empiria Studio, within the thematic scope specified therein.
    4. The contact form may not be used for: correspondence within the framework of specific cases and proceedings conducted by Empiria Studio (initiated or terminated), for submitting complaints, petitions, offers, as well as requests for information under the Access to Public Information Act and questions within the meaning of the Press Law Act.
  3. Terms of use of the Contact Form and obligations of the User. In order to use the Contact Form, the User performs actions consisting of:
    1. filling in the Contact Form by providing the following data and information: e-mail address, telephone number, subject of the message,
    2. filling and sending the Contact Form means that the User has read the content of the Terms and Conditions and that he accepts all its provisions,
    3. filling out and sending the Contact Form confirms that the User agrees to the processing of personal data in order to prepare and provide answers to the asked question and their archiving,
    4. confirmation of your desire to contact by clicking on the link contained in the Contact Form “Receive a 15 minute telephone consultation” or “I receive a gift” or “I arrange a consultation”.
    5. The User is obliged to use the Contact Form in accordance with the provisions of the law, the provisions of these Regulations and good customs.
    6. The user undertakes not to provide false personal data, as well as not to provide personal data of another person, without their permission, and not to provide an email address or telephone number that they do not own. The user is solely responsible for the content of the data provided by him, including liability for possible violation of the rights of third parties.
    7. The User undertakes to read the changes in these Terms and Conditions.
    8. The User using the Contact Form is entitled to a one-time free telephone consultation lasting no more than 15 minutes. And one 45-minute online consultation if you choose this option on the website www.empiria-studio.com.
    9. In case of re-signing up for a free consultation by a User who has already used it in the past, Empiria Studio reserves the right not to conduct a free consultation.
  4. Responsibility of Empiria Studio
    1. Empiria Studio is not responsible for the decisions of the User made based on the information obtained as a result of the use of information obtained after filling out the contact form.
    2. Empiria Studio is not responsible for the lack of availability of the contact form resulting from reasons beyond the control of Empiria Studio or other technical reasons related to the operation of the IT system and the Empiria Studio website.
    3. Empiria Studio reserves the right to change the provisions of these Terms and Conditions at any time. The changes come into force as soon as the content of the amended Terms and Conditions is posted on the website www.empiria-studio.com, in the Terms and Conditions tab of the Contact Form.
    4. Empiria Studio reserves the right to completely stop offering this service at any time, without giving reasons.
    5. Empiria Studio reserves the right to refuse to hold a consultation if it has been ordered by a natural person or a company of less than 5 people employed in the form of an employment contract or cooperation agreement.
  5. Processing of personal data by Empiria Studio
    1. The controller of personal data within the meaning of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of data of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation GDPR) is Paweł Łaskawiec - Empiria Studio with its registered office at: Niedźwiedzia 4/3b, 54-232 Wrocław, NIP: 9792 30958111, REGON: 363158346, represented by Paweł Łaskawiec — owner.
    2. The User's personal data are processed on the basis of the consent expressed by the data subject, by unchecking the appropriate window on the Contact Form.
    3. The following personal data of the User are processed: e-mail address, telephone number.
    4. Providing personal data is voluntary, but failure to provide them may prevent you from getting a response through the Contact Form.
    5. This data may be transferred to persons authorized by Empiria Studio — our employees and associates who must have access to the data in order to perform their duties.
    6. The user has the right to access the content of his data and the possibility of correcting them. Each User also has the right to revoke consent to the processing of personal data by sending a corresponding request to the address: biuro@empiria-studio.com.
    7. The User's personal data may only be made available:
      1. to the relevant state authorities at their request on the basis of generally applicable law,
      2. other persons and entities — in cases other than those described in point a) only with the prior consent of the data subject.