July 2024

What is the marketing mix - what is it all about?

Imagine a product that changes people's lives. To be successful, you have to go through a lot of challenges. This marketing mix can be your key to success.

marketingWhat is the marketing mix - what is it all about?

Marketing mix, or 4P, are strategies to help promote a product. It consists of the product, price, distribution and promotion. A good fit of these elements attracts customers and strengthens the brand. The marketing mix evolves, taking into account customer values and changing market needs.

Key conclusions:

  • The concept of traditional marketing mix is four elements: product, price, promotion, distribution.
  • The modern 4P marketing mix also includes people, processes, programs and achievements.
  • The extended version of 7P adds people, process, material testimony.
  • The 4C concept focuses on customer value, cost, convenience and communication.
  • Implementing a marketing mix means thinking about customer value, cost, convenience and communication.

Marketing mix — basic definition

The marketing mix, marketing mix, is a plan for a good marketing strategy. Edmund McCarthy created it in the 1960s and includes four components: product, price, promotion and distribution. Marketing models now add new facets, focusing on customers and management.

Elements of the marketing mix

The basic elements, known as the 4P, are:

  • Produkt (Produkt) - its characteristics, life cycle, appearance and novelties.
  • Prezzo (Price) - production costs, demand and the possibility of changing the price.
  • Promotion (Promotion) - advertising, public relations and marketing on the Internet.
  • Distribution (Place) - channels through which the product reaches the customer.

Extensions of the existing idea are:

  • 4C - Focuses on customer value, cost, convenience and communication instead of 4P.
  • 7P - Adds elements such as people, material testimony and processes.

History and evolution of the concept

Marketing mix appeared in 1953 thanks to Neil Borden. Edmund McCarthy became famous for the 4P concept in the 1960s. In the 1980s, Bernard Booms and Mary Bitner expanded this model to the 7P. The development of technology and changes in consumer expectations have affected marketing strategies.

In the modern world, marketing strategy It uses new marketing tools. Companies like Apple and IKEA show how a diverse marketing mix can attract customers. Flexibility and adaptability are the keys to success in the market.

The 4P concept in the marketing mix

Concept The Four P's of Marketing is the product, price, promotion and distribution. Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy popularized it in the 1960s Each piece brings a unique value to sales. Even in the digital age, all four elements remain crucial.


Product Features They attract the attention of consumers. It must be functional and innovative. In the era of globalization, it is also important that the product stands out from the competition. Market Analysis helps to achieve this. The quality of the product throughout the entire life cycle plays a role here.


The price takes into account production costs, demand, competition and what customers can pay. It is important for both the customer and the company. It must correspond to the value of the product, its functions, quality and stage of the life cycle. The dynamics of the player market play an important role.


Promotion is a key aspect of marketing. It consists of advertising, public relations, sponsorship and other tools. Its goal is to increase customer awareness. It is about keeping sales at a high level. The main thing is to effectively reach the target audience.


Distribution ensures that the product is available at the right place and time. This can be an online store or a retail outlet. Effectiveness depends on market analysis and distribution strategy. The location and management of the distribution network affect availability and customer satisfaction.

4C concept — customer-focused marketing

The 4C concept is a modern way of thinking about marketing that puts the customer first. Instead of focusing on the product, as the 4P concept does, 4C focuses on the needs of the consumer. They strive to provide value at every step of the purchase. Companies try not only to sell, but also to meet the needs of customers and build strong relationships with them.

Customer needs and desires

Understanding and meeting customer needs is the heart of marketing strategies today. In the age of the internet, customers are better informed and expect more. Marketing 3.0 sees in consumers people with broad needs, appreciating their diversity and aspirations.

Cost to the consumer

Consumer costs are central to the 4C concept. It is not only the price that counts, but also the time and effort it takes to buy. Customer-focused marketing analyzes all aspects that influence purchasing decisions, trying to facilitate them as much as possible.

Convenience of purchase

Convenience of purchase has a strong impact on customer satisfaction. The rise of online sales and technology has given companies ways to facilitate access to their offerings. Marketing 4.0, with the introduction of artificial intelligence, has further simplified shopping, increasing customer comfort.


Marketing without effective communication with the customer cannot exist. Marketing 2.0 focuses on the diversity of information channels and meeting consumer expectations through clear and tailored communication. Word of mouth and sensory marketing, for example aromamarketing, build pleasant experiences. This helps in creating brand loyalty.

7P Concept — Extending the Traditional Marketing Mix

In the 1980s, the 7P model appeared, expanding the classic 4P marketing mix. Booms and Bitner added three new elements: people, processes, and material testimony. This model takes into account important aspects of sales and marketing. It has become more comprehensive and flexible.

folks are key in the 7P model. Their skills, motivation and professionalism affect the quality of service and brand image. Each employee has an impact on how customers see the offer.

Value processes in the 7P model it is huge. It covers all steps of customer service, from interest to after-sales service. Optimizing these processes is key to customer satisfaction and company effectiveness.

Material Testimony is tangible evidence of the existence of the company. It's all about the look of the office, product packaging and website design. These elements build trust and a positive brand image.

The 7P allows companies to better respond to consumer needs. It focuses on important aspects such as process optimization and attention to promotional materials. When choosing a marketing strategy, it is important to consider the impact of external and internal factors on the company.

Marketing mix in practice — examples of use

Marketing mix is an adjustment tool marketing strategies to changing market conditions and consumer expectations. Giants like Apple and Ikea show how different approaches can yield outstanding results. Both companies use well-thought-out strategies.

Example: Apple

Apple uses the 7P model in its marketing mix, focusing on innovation. For example, the company regularly upgrades the iPhone to meet the needs of customers. By betting on premium products, Apple builds an image of high quality.

Distribution of Apple products is carried out through exclusive salons and an online store. Promotions are advertising campaigns, presentations and events that build loyalty. The people at Apple are key both as employees and users, raising the positive perception of the brand.

Example: Ikea

Ikea shows that marketing strategies vary by industry. The company offers functional interiors at affordable prices, combining quality with accessibility. With a network of stores and online sales, products are easily accessible to customers.

Ikea promotions are catalogs, advertising campaigns and augmented reality experiences. Processes, like folding furniture, are simple and convenient for the customer. This approach attracts and engages consumption.

Apple and Ikea case studies show the importance of consistent strategies in the marketing mix. These companies achieve success with well-thought-out marketing elements. Their strategies provide inspiration for effective marketing planning.


satisfied customers

Plan marketing activities

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  • How you make the buying process difficult for customers
  • Are your actions effective
  • What the competition does better than you

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