July 2024

What is digital marketing and how to use it?

Have you ever wondered why 240,000 photos per minute appear on Facebook? And we watch 167 million videos on TikTok?

marketingWhat is digital marketing and how to use it?

This shows the power of the internet, especially in marketing. Through the pandemic, many areas of life have moved online. The number of new businesses on the Internet doubled in 2020.

Digital marketing, or digital marketing, is growing rapidly. It helps companies reach customers. Regardless of the size of your business, understanding digital marketing is crucial. It provides a high conversion rate and allows you to save.

Imagine a marketing campaign that hits exactly the target. Digital marketing makes it possible. It offers personalization and quick response to effects. In the world of e-commerce, building brand awareness is important. Digital marketing is essential in every company's strategy.

Businesses realize that without online they have no chance in the market. Digital marketing is cheaper than traditional methods. It also allows for effective marketing activities.

The most important conclusions:

  • In 2020, the number of businesses set up online doubled.
  • 78% of e-commerce businesses identify building awareness as their main marketing goal.
  • Digital marketing allows you to save costs and reach customers precisely.
  • The ability to personalize marketing activities and react immediately to the results of the campaign.
  • Digital marketing is crucial for the competitiveness of companies in the modern market.

What is digital marketing?

Internet Marketing, also known as digital marketing, is a key tool for modern entrepreneurs. It uses online channels and electronic devices to advertise and sell a variety of products or services. This is an important concept that has a significant impact on today's business world.

Definition of digital marketing

Definition of digital marketing talks about activities in the digital world that promote brands, products, and services. Unlike the classic methods, it uses platforms such as SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing and programmatic advertising. The essence is to precisely adjust the communication to the recipient, which increases efficiency.

Why is it so important?

nowadays digital marketing is of great importance. It allows you to reach customers all over the world, which expands sales opportunities. Thanks to precise targeting, the advertising budget is better used. Cost efficiency is higher than traditional methods. Analytical tools allow you to track results on an ongoing basis. This is the key to better fine-tuning your marketing strategies. Thanks to continuous optimization, companies can achieve better and better results.

Elements of digital marketing

In today's digital world, different digital marketing strategies are very important. They help companies reach the right people and be more competitive. Each strategy plays an important role in promoting the company.

SEO (Page Positioning)

Positioning of pages helps to increase the visibility of the page in search results. This is very important for companies that want to be on top. Effective SEO involves many activities, like content optimization, link building, and better page structure. Tools like Google Analytics allow you to track progress.

Google Advert

The Google Ads system is paid ads that attract users to the site. More than 70% of companies use these strategies to increase their visibility. This allows you to better target your audience, which makes marketing more effective.

Content marketing

Content Marketing It's about creating interesting content that builds trust. Strategies such as blogging or vlogging are key here. Many companies believe that well-tailored content significantly improves their results.

Social Media Marketing

Social marketing is the creation of engagement through posts and advertisements on platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. Thanks to it, you can reach your audience more effectively and build long-term relationships with them. More than 70% of companies use social media to better target their activities.

Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing uses many methods. The goal is to understand which ones best fit your business goals. This is the only way you will achieve success.

List of the most important strategies

The most important strategies are:

  1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  2. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and Google Ads
  3. Content marketing
  4. Email Marketing
  5. Social Media Marketing
  6. Affiliate Marketing
  7. Influencer marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is about rewarding for networking and sales. This is an effective way on the Internet. Partners promote products, making money on sales. Google Ads helps you target your ad by increasing your effectiveness.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is working with influencers in social media. They help you build your brand, engage your audience, and sell. It's a good idea to choose an influencer who has loyal followers. Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube are good for such activities.

It is also worth knowing the RACE model: Reach, Act, Convert, Engage. Dave Chaffey suggested it. It helps in optimizing marketing. Google's Avinash Kaushik says data marketing is key. It allows you to measure and improve activities. It is important to remember about personalization and data analysis. This allows us to reach our customers better.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

In today's digital world, the benefits of digital marketing are enormous. Effective Digital Marketing It allows you to reach a wide audience. Nearly 84% of Poles have access to the internet. Thanks to this, companies can easily reach their target groups.

Advantages of digital marketing It is also easy to measure the effects. Analytical tools allow you to quickly assess the effectiveness of the campaign. For example, 49% of users use Google to find new products. This gives companies the chance to reach customers at key moments.

Ads can be tailored to the individual needs of users, which increases their effectiveness. About 40% is an increase in effectiveness compared to regular advertising. Personalization helps businesses stand out, especially when more than 50% of shoppers discover new brands through Google.

Online advertising is often cheaper than traditional methods. Cost-per-click payment models allow flexible budget management. Companies are investing more and more in digital, valuing its effectiveness.

Digital marketing also allows you to precisely define target groups. About 59% of shoppers look for products online before buying. Generation Z, which makes up 23.4% of the population, spends an average of 3 hours a day online.

In summary, digital marketing strengthens relationships with customers and improves the image of the company. It also increases sales and ROI. It is indispensable in modern business strategies.

The role of digital marketing in Poland

Digital marketing is of great importance in Poland, especially now that everything is online. Polish companies can reach many customers via the Internet. They use social media, search engines, emails and ads to do this. This is an effective tool for increasing sales and popularity.

By using the internet in marketing, companies can precisely target their ads. Effective digital marketing It also allows you to quickly change campaigns to make them more effective. This raises profits and is crucial for modern businesses.

Tools like Google Analytics help companies understand their customers. They help build brand and increase customer loyalty. This is important to stay ahead of the competition.

Competition on the Polish digital market is growing. Companies need to keep up with new technologies and customer needs to be at the forefront. Adapting to new search engine algorithms is one of many challenges.

When planning online strategies, companies want to use Advantages of digital marketing. It's all about better visibility, more effective campaigns and better customer relationships. In addition, this approach strengthens the relationship with customers and the position of the company.

How to use digital marketing?

Effective use of digital marketing starts with careful campaign planning. To do this, you need to clearly define your goals and key performance indicators, or KPIs. The analysis will allow you to track progress. It will also allow you to adjust actions in real time, which is crucial for success.

Campaign planning

Planning a campaign starts with analyzing the market and getting to know the target audience. Understanding the preferences and behaviors of the target audience will allow you to better tailor your messages. For 81% of marketers, content is central to their business strategy.

It is also important to choose the right marketing channels. SEO, social media marketing, and email marketing are examples here. 82% of marketers in the world use email marketing.

Use of analytical tools

Online tools such as Google Analytics are essential for tracking campaign results. They allow for accurate analysis. Thanks to them, you will understand how your actions are perceived by the audience and which strategies are effective. Marketing automation saves time and provides important data.

Optimization and personalization

Optimization and personalization of communication are key to success. They allow for greater audience engagement and better customer relationships. Well-optimized digital ads can increase brand awareness by 80%.

Personalization helps you reach people who are really interested. This increases the chances of conversion.

In summary, effective digital marketing requires planning, the use of analytical tools and optimization and personalization. This is the only way to achieve success at low cost.


satisfied customers

Plan marketing activities

Are you looking for an innovative approach to increasing the quality of marketing in your company? Let's build a coherent marketing plan! We will check:


  • How you make the buying process difficult for customers
  • Are your actions effective
  • What the competition does better than you

You do not have to carry out all the activities alone! And you can certainly achieve better results. Our experienced team is ready to take full care of your business's B2C and B2B marketing.