July 2024

Marketing consulting, what to look for?

The dream of any entrepreneur is to recognize his company in the market. You want your brand to have loyal customers. You want sales to increase. In today's world full of competition and rapid change, the help of an experienced advisor is invaluable.

business developmentMarketing consulting, what to look for?

Imagine that you have support not only in the analysis of advertising accounts. Assistance also includes campaign optimization, budget planning. As a result, your advertising activities are more effective and the brand communicates better with customers.

Support in web development and competitor analysis are key. This helps you create a good marketing strategy for your business. Marketing consulting is also the tracking of the effects on social media. This allows you to constantly improve your actions.

Both working with a good marketing advisor can bring great benefits. Small changes can have big effects. Improved ROI, increased campaign reach, better conversion rate — these are just examples. All this increases sales and helps to better manage costs.

Key Points

  • Marketing consulting includes support in the analysis of advertising accounts and optimization of campaigns on different platforms.
  • Planning and allocating the advertising budget is the key to effective marketing activities.
  • Support in the development of websites and analysis of the activities of competitors are essential for developing an effective marketing strategy.
  • Ongoing monitoring, auditing and adjustments of social media campaigns increase the effectiveness of online marketing.
  • Working with an experienced marketing advisor can lead to significant improvements in ROI, campaign reach, and conversion rate.

What is marketing consulting?

Marketing consulting It helps companies to be more competitive in the market. The offer of marketing consulting is wide. From market analysis to marketing effectiveness evaluation.

Definition and main functions of marketing consulting

Marketing consulting helps companies find what is unique about their brand. Indicates strengths and weaknesses. Develops better marketing strategies. Consultants analyze the market, the language of communication and advertising campaigns. This allows them to indicate what needs to be changed. This saves time and money, improving the effectiveness of marketing.

Who is marketing advice aimed at?

Marketing consulting is for every company, regardless of its size. It is valuable when a company does not have the resources to run effective campaigns on its own. Cooperation with marketing agency gives you a new perspective and knowledge of the industry.

Professional marketing advice versus own marketing department

Wondering if it's better to rent marketing agency, or rely on your own department? Professional consulting offers flexibility and access to experts without the high cost of your own team. Consultants support the development of the company, help to understand the market and optimize strategies. Thanks market research, they compare your company with the competition. This helps new entrepreneurs a lot.

Benefits of Marketing Consulting

In today's rapidly changing world, marketing consulting is a great help for companies. It helps you manage your marketing budget. It also enables the effective implementation of important strategies that support the growth of the company.

How does marketing consulting improve marketing activities?

Marketing consulting allows you to have a perfect understanding of the issues. With it, we can find effective methods of action. The consultant performs competitive analysis and personalizes the offer, which increases the success of the campaign.

This helps to avoid unnecessary spending on advertising. This approach allows you to accurately assess the expected results. Modern tools like internet marketing They are a big support here.

Benefits of Outsourcing Marketing Consultancy

Outsourcing consulting brings many advantages to companies. It allows you to flexibly adapt to the market. Access to specialist knowledge and experience saves time and resources.

The flexibility offered by external advisors allows you to focus on the most important aspects of the business. This also helps to reduce costs.

Examples of success with marketing consulting

Companies that use marketing consulting are often successful. Examples such as the introduction of CRM systems, competition analysis, whether personalization of the offer They seem to confirm this thesis. As a result, campaigns are more effective.

Personalization of activities increases customer loyalty. It also helps to acquire new ones. This shows that the investment in marketing consulting pays off.

Types of marketing consulting services

Marketing consulting services are diverse and we can match them to any business. More and more companies are opting for the help of an external advisor. They want to increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and often do not have adequate internal resources.

Marketing consultation: goals and types

Marketing consulting helps to identify business challenges. Counselors suggest ways to solve them. Among the most important services are:

  • Market Analysis: It helps to understand the market and customer needs. This is the key to an effective marketing strategy.
  • Designing a marketing strategy: It consists in creating comprehensive plans. They take into account sales funnels and marketing automation, which increases efficiency.
  • Audit of marketing activities: This is an assessment of current activities. It allows you to find places that need improvement.
  • Support in the implementation of the campaign: Advisors help you implement and monitor marketing campaigns. They act according to the developed strategy.

In Poland, marketing consulting costs from 400 to 1000 PLN net per hour. Companies are happy to choose an hourly rate. It is a flexible and transparent system. Marketing automation and optimization of marketing funnels give faster and better results.

By using marketing consulting, companies better manage their strategy. This translates into better communication with customers and increased sales. Regular audits and analyses are the basis for long-term success.

What to look for when choosing a marketing consultant?

When choosing marketing consulting, it is worth looking at the skills of advisors in analyzing the market. It is important for them to be able to accurately assess the situation and the competition. Such analysis is essential to effectively plan marketing actions.

Only a well-conducted analysis will allow to understand the situation of the company. This allows you to adapt your marketing strategy to achieve better results.

Analysis of the market and competition

An effective consultant must be able to analyze the market. This allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Professionals like those at Horizon Marketing can also pinpoint where you can grow.

Their knowledge of analytics and creativity helps in creating effective strategies. This approach allows you to find the best solutions for the company.

Personalization of the offer and marketing strategies

An important element is personalization of marketing. Through data analysis, marketing consulting can improve business performance. It is also a way of long-term development.

Personalizing your offer increases customer engagement and loyalty. This helps to build a strong brand and its recognition.

Implementation of marketing automation

It is also important to implement marketing automation. Automation makes it easy to manage your campaigns and track results. As a result, both resources and budget can be better utilized.

Marketing automation allows you to accurately reach with communication. This increases the effectiveness of marketing and sales activities.


satisfied customers

Plan marketing activities

Are you looking for an innovative approach to increasing the quality of marketing in your company? Let's build a coherent marketing plan! We will check:


  • How you make the buying process difficult for customers
  • Are your actions effective
  • What the competition does better than you

You do not have to carry out all the activities alone! And you can certainly achieve better results. Our experienced team is ready to take full care of your business's B2C and B2B marketing.