June 2024

Online Store Positioning — Achieve Success!

Imagine that your online store is at the top of Google. It attracts hundreds of new customers every day. This increases sales and builds trust.

SEOOnline Store Positioning — Achieve Success!

The right positioning strategy can make this possible. Effective SEO is an investment for a long time. This makes the store more visible, attracts organic traffic and connects loyal customers.

Internet Marketing Agency Visible is an expert in the positioning of online stores. With over 500 positive reviews on Google and 70 on Clutch.co, the agency is valued by customers and the industry.

Their effectiveness can be seen in conversions and return on investment (ROI). This confirms the effectiveness of their approach to SEO optimization for e-commerce.

If you want to increase visibility and trust among your customers, SEO is crucial. It's a way to stay ahead of the competition and be successful.

Key conclusions:

  • Online store positioning increases visibility and organic traffic.
  • SEO is a long-term investment with measurable benefits.
  • Visible Agency offers a professional approach and high standards of service.
  • Their cooperation policy includes free consultations.
  • With positioning, you build trust and gain an advantage over the competition.

Why should you invest in the positioning of online stores?

Nowadays, the positioning of online stores is a key part of e-commerce. Well done SEO improves visibility in search engines. This in turn increases website traffic and sales.

Increase visibility in search results

Positioning helps stores reach higher positions in search engines. Effective SEO attracts more customers. It is important to choose the right phrases so as not to compete with the largest companies.

More organic traffic

The higher the store is in the search engine, the more people visit it. Good SEO audit Optimization and optimization are key. It is a way to win customers at no cost, more profitable than paid advertising.

Increase customer confidence

Stores at the top of the search seem more reliable. This gives the store authority and encourages you to take advantage of the offer. SEO Strategy increase not only visibility, but also trust, which is crucial for success.

Key elements of an effective SEO strategy for e-commerce

For an effective SEO strategy for e-commerce, you need several essential elements. They combine an approach to optimizing an online store for search engines. It is recommended to focus on the right aspects to increase visibility and improve the user experience.

Keywords and competition analysis

Choosing keywords is the first step in your SEO strategy. They must be well chosen and liked by the target group. Competitive analysis shows where you can get ahead of others. Optimized content can increase visibility by 38%.

Technical optimization

The basis of SEO is technical optimization. The loading speed is important, no more than 2 seconds. Each delay of 0.1 seconds reduces the conversion rate by 7%. Mobile optimization is also crucial, as searches on mobile devices account for more than 60%.

Content marketing

Content marketing is crucial for SEO. Creating valuable content helps with better positioning and greater engagement. Pages with longer content, over 2000 words, are more likely to be in the top 10 of Google. It is important to keep the content up to date and good internal linking.

SEO experts emphasize the importance of these elements in strategies. This approach makes the optimization of the e-store effective.

SEO audit of an online store: diagnosing needs and problems

SEO audit is the key to better positioning your online store. This allows you to understand exactly how technique, structure and content affect your position. It helps to find and fix problems, so that the store is better visible in search engines.

Technical analysis of the site

We check everything: from the robots.txt file to the loading time. Technical analysis is the basis. With tools like Google Search Console, you can easily find errors. By removing them, we increase the chance of better visibility of your website.

Evaluation of content and structure

It is important that the content responds to the needs of users and encourages purchases. Conversion Optimization Starts here. Keyword analysis and optimization is the basis. It is also important that the website contains engaging content. This all adds up to an effective content audit.

Checking internal and external linking

Linking is of great importance for SEO. Internal link optimization makes navigation and indexing easier. Backlinks from trusted sites, on the other hand, increase your ranking in search engines. Tools like Ahrefs are invaluable here, helping to analyze the quality and sources of links.

Technical optimization of online stores

Technical online optimization is the key to better positioning. In today's SEO, it's not just keyword analysis that matters. Technical aspects that affect user experience and visibility in search engines are also important.

Page loading speed

Charging speed is the basis of technical optimization. Sistrix has shown that faster sites attract more people. Fast loading is the better positions on Google.

Optimization, like compressing images, speeds up the page. This is the key to the success of your website.


Responsiveness is the adaptation of the site to all devices. Google values mobile-friendly websites. Such optimization increases conversions and ROI, which is important for ecommerce SEO.

Debugging and redirecting

By eliminating errors and setting redirects, you improve optimization. Tools like Google Search Console help you identify problems. Such actions improve indexing, which increases visibility and customers.

Investing in technical optimization is the key to e-commerce success. Advanced work improves the competitiveness of the site. This contributes to better positioning and user experience.


satisfied customers

Plan marketing activities

Are you looking for an innovative approach to increasing the quality of marketing in your company? Let's build a coherent marketing plan! We will check:


  • How you make the buying process difficult for customers
  • Are your actions effective
  • What the competition does better than you

You do not have to carry out all the activities alone! And you can certainly achieve better results. Our experienced team is ready to take full care of your business's B2C and B2B marketing.