July 2024

SEO Marketing - How to Make It Work?

The last time you searched for something on Google, the results came up in an express way. This is all thanks to SEO marketing. It is crucial for many businesses, both small and large. A well-optimized website can attract those who are looking for exactly what you offer.

SEOSEO Marketing - How to Make It Work?

In today's world, where more than half of the traffic on the web comes from phones, it is important that pages load quickly. Effective SEO marketing is the foundation. Google considers more than 200 ranking signals. Understanding and applying SEO techniques is an investment with a high return potential.

Have you ever wondered how to increase the visibility of your website? This article will show you how to apply SEO. With it, you will raise the popularity of your brand. You will also be more effective in NOT (Search Engine Marketing).

Key Findings

  • SEO marketing is essential to increase the visibility of the site and attract quality traffic.
  • More than 50% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices, highlighting the need for mobile optimization.
  • SEO optimization includes on-page SEO, content marketing and link building.
  • Effective page positioning It can increase conversions by up to 40%.
  • Google takes into account more than 200 different ranking signals in its algorithm.

What is SEO Marketing?

SEO marketing helps companies to be more visible on the internet. Thanks to the good positioning and creating content, sites can get ahead of the competition.

Definition of SEO Marketing

The goal of SEO marketing is to improve the position of the site in search engines. Optimizing the site, creating attractive content and gaining backlinks is important here. This allows companies to increase their presence on the network.

Role in marketing strategy

Positioning and content marketing They are important in marketing. They allow you to attract more users, which can increase the number of purchases made. Keywords, content and tracking SEO results are important here.

Advantages of SEO Marketing

SEO marketing offers many benefits, including:

  • Improving Visibility: With SEO, your brand becomes more well-known.
  • Increase in traffic: Better positioning attracts more people to the site.
  • Increase the number of conversions: More visitors and good content means more purchases.
  • Long term benefits: Investing in SEO brings long-term results.

In conclusion, positioning and content marketing are crucial to success on the internet.

Optimization of websites for SEO

Optimizing pages for SEO helps to achieve a high position in Google. This allows for better visibility in the search engine. Thus, this increases the traffic on the site and the possibilities of its conversion. SEO consists of two main parts: on-site and off-site.

On-site SEO: basics and techniques

The task of on-site SEO, or internal optimization, is to improve the website from within. This deals, among other things, with elements such as:

  • Meta title, meta description and friendly URLs, important for positioning.
  • The use of H1, H2 headers, which help to understand the content of the page.
  • Placing keywords in texts, headings and titles to match the expectations of the search engine.
  • Internal linking, which makes it easier for search engines to understand the structure of the page.
  • Improve page graphics by using file descriptions and alt attributes, which helps in image search.

On-page SEO is the foundation for search engines and users to understand the content of the site. The key is to make the site useful and accessible.

Off-site SEO: link building

Off-site SEO focuses on getting links from other sites. Such links increase the authority of the page in Google. Effective link building includes:

  1. Getting backlinks from reputable sites with high quality.
  2. Creating content that will naturally attract other pages to link to.
  3. Collaborate with influencers and bloggers to earn more valuable backlinks.

Off-site SEO helps in optimizing the site and improves its position in search results. It is also part NOT, combining free and paid activities. Proper application of on-site and off-site SEO is the key to the success of any website.

How does page positioning work?

Positioning of pages on the Internet is a process that increases their visibility in the search engine. To understand how it works, it is worth knowing a few important aspects.

The importance of keywords

Keywords are very important in positioning. When people search for something on Google, they choose pages from the top ten results. Your site needs to be well prepared for these words in order to be high.

The use of keywords must be balanced. Keyword stuffing, that is, excessive use of them, can harm your page on Google. Algorithms evaluate the quality of the content and its relevance to users.

For effective positioning, tools such as Google Search Console or Ahrefs are used. They help analyze keywords and competition. Thus, SEO can bring long-term benefits.

The process of indexing by Google

Indexing is the analysis of pages by Google to add them to the search engine. Algorithms take into account more than 200 factors, such as content and HTML code.

External links to your website are also important. Even though Google PageRank is no longer public, these values are still valid. This is why building a link network is crucial in SEO.

Analyzing the data and adapting the strategy to trends is essential. Thanks to this, you can get high positions in Google. This increases prestige and traffic to the site.

SEO Marketing and programmatic SEO

Programmatic SEO is a new method of optimizing online content. It has gained popularity due to the ability to create a large number of landing pages automatically. It allows you to scale SEO activities and automation of content optimization, saving time and money.

Zapier, Booking.com and Airbnb succeed thanks to Programmatic SEO. They create thousands of pages quickly, which gives them an edge in the market. Doing so increases their visibility and generates more visits.

Programmatic SEO is based on code that converts data from spreadsheets into web pages. This allows you to focus on Long Tails Keywords. This is usually done to reduce competition and increase conversions.

The use of programmatic SEO brings many benefits:

  • scalability
  • automation
  • time saving
  • increased efficiency
  • accuracy
  • advanced data analysis

But there are also challenges, such as indexing issues and the risk of duplicate content. In this case, it is important to use the right tools. Tools like Ahrefs or Webflow and data scrappers are helpful here. Thanks to them, we can easily avoid repeating content and Cannibalization of keywords. By adding unique modifiers, you can significantly improve SEO.

Analysis of website traffic

Analysing website traffic is crucial for a successful SEO strategy. It is important to know where traffic comes from, which pages attract visitors, and how long they stay on your site. This information can dramatically improve optimization and the success of marketing campaigns.

Analytical tools

Tools such as Google Analytics, Ahrefs, Senuto, and Semstorm offer a wide range of features for detailed traffic analysis. You can learn about page views, unique users, and traffic sources, including organic search results, paid ads, and social media. These tools also provide insights into YouTube video views, blog comments, and social media followers, helping you understand which content attracts audiences.

How to interpret data

Interpreting data from analytical tools is the key to effective traffic analytics. Important metrics include unique users, page views, and traffic sources. Analysing this data helps spot trends and patterns in user behavior. For example, if most traffic comes from organic results, investing in SEO content optimization is wise. SEO tools such as Ahrefs can forecast traffic and identify high-traffic generating keywords, invaluable for keyword planning.

Optimization based on data analysis

Optimizing based on traffic analytics allows you to adjust marketing strategies for maximum effectiveness. For instance, Senuto can reveal changes in site visibility and key traffic-generating phrases. By focusing on optimizing these phrases, you can increase the visibility of your site's search.

Additionally, reports such as “Audience” in Google Analytics help analyze user demographics, useful for crafting focused and effective marketing campaigns. “Behavior” reports provide user behavior data on your site, such as time spent and most-visited pages, enabling you to refine site content and layout.

Utilizing strong analytical tools and regularly analyzing and optimizing based on their data is the foundation of an effective marketing strategy. This approach helps you better understand your users, tailor your offerings to their needs, and enhance SEO efforts.

Link building strategies to improve visibility

Strategie link building are very important to increase the visibility of the website on the Internet. This is a process that requires regularity and patience. This can significantly increase the number of visits to the site and improve its position in search engines.

To be successful, it is good to use several proven techniques.

Link baiting

Link baiting is about creating interesting content that naturally attracts links. The secret lies in understanding what is valuable to your audience.

  1. Create unique content that is interesting.
  2. Share content on social media and forums.
  3. Collaborate with influencers to get more links.

Link building By link baiting can positively affect the visibility of your site.

Building a natural link profile

Creating natural link profile is getting links from good sources. Google checks the variety and quality of the link profile.

  • Links from trusted sites are very valuable.
  • Collect different types of links, both dofollow and nofollow.
  • Avoid links from thematically unrelated sites.

Profilo natural It increases your credibility on Google.

Avoiding Keyword Cannibalization

Avoidance Cannibalization of keywords is crucial in link building. It's about the situation when pages on one site compete for the same phrases.

To avoid this:

  1. Optimize each page for different keywords.
  2. Use internal links to related content, boosting SEO.
  3. Regularly review and update your SEO strategies.

Such actions will help to avoid cannibalism and effectively build links.


SEO marketing is crucial in your online marketing strategy. Today, as competition grows, especially online, you need to be visible on Google. Google is the choice of almost 95% of Internet users in Poland. Good SEO strengthens the position of your website. It also increases visibility, improves conversions and attracts valuable traffic.

Optimizing SEO is a long-term task that needs both on-site and off-site techniques. It is crucial to keep analyzing and adjusting your SEO strategies. Changes in Google's algorithms and market need to be considered. Keyword research, content optimization, and earning backlinks are vital. Sammenligt med content marketing, SEO brings lasting benefits.

SEO and NOT serve different purposes, but both are essential for comprehensive online marketing. While SEO focuses on search engine optimization, SEM also includes PPC ads for instant effects. Combining SEO with PPC can stabilize your search results over time. It also provides quick traffic and conversion boosts.

Remember, constant monitoring and optimization are necessary for SEO success. With the right strategies and tools, you can not only enhance the visibility of your site. You can also build lasting customer relationships and achieve success in online marketing.


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Plan marketing activities

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