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Career Courses Brand Gains Visibility in the Online World

How can you refresh the online image of a 32-year-old company in order to preserve its identity and at the same time attract new customers?

Career Courses Brand Gains Visibility in the Online World

Web design

We have developed a modern website focused on the enrolment of participants for courses

Social media profile

We create and manage social media profiles on Facebook and Instagram


Klient Wubex OSK is a company specializing in the provision of comprehensive occupational and occupational health and safety training. With over 32 years of experience, the company works with both individual and corporate clients, offering courses that equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge, supporting their professional and personal development. Wubex is recognized for the high quality of teaching, competitive prices and the effectiveness of training, which is confirmed by the high percentage of satisfied trainees and the number of people who have increased their professional qualifications thanks to them.

Identified problem

La problema de la empresa no presencia en línea ha sido un problema importante en un mundo que la Internet ha sido un canal clave de comunicación con clientes. A,. This is an obstacle to brand building, expanding reach and negatively affecting the perception of the company as modern and adapted to the needs of today's consumers.

automatyzacja procesów biznesowych

Scope of the activities carried out

A tre mois de transformació digital pour notre client, nous un número de acciones clave para la visibilità e efficienza en la Internet:

Auditing and Analysing:

  • A.
  • We researched the competition to identify gaps and opportunities.

Strategie und Planung:

  • We have developed a matrix of the company, indicating its strengths and areas for improvement.
  • We created profiles on social media (Facebook, Instagram) that did not exist before.
  • We have prepared a content and graphic strategy for social media.
  • Ontwikkeling van een nieuwe website met gebruikersregistratie voor klantechten

Pagina precedente:

old web page

Nieuwe pagina:

new web page


  • We have launched regular posts (3 times a week) on social media.
  • We have designed a new website, in line with the latest trends and optimized for SEO, with easy access to course and training registrations.
  • Together with the client, we designed content for the website, including the content of nearly 80 courses and trainings.

Social media post templates:

social post examples

Conclusions and recommendations:

  • After completing the work on the site, we conducted training on its usability and editing.
  • We made recommendations for the further development of the company's marketing on the network, including: the use of targeted advertising, Google advertising and SEO activities. So that the company can realize them freely with our help or the help of another supplier.

These activities were aimed not only at refreshing the image of the company on the Internet, but also at increasing its competitiveness and accessibility for potential customers.

Meet Wubex

Do you want to achieve similar results in your company?

  • Po wypełnieniu formularza zadzwonimy do Ciebie i umówimy się na 30-40 minutową rozmowę online.
  • Podczas spotkania przeanalizujemy Twoje dotychczasowe działania marketingowe i sprzedażowe.
  • Oszacujemy i wskażemy ich mocne i słabe strony.
  • A jeśli okaże się, że jesteśmy w stanie Ci pomóc, przedstawimy naszą propozycję dalszej współpracy.
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On working days, we usually respond within 24 hours. If the application was sent on the weekend it will be handled, according to the order of applications.

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The 90-day transformation program has been instrumental in building a lasting online presence. I gained not only the knowledge, but also the tools that allowed me to achieve specific business goals. In the end, we increased our sales by 67%.

Lukasz Zielinski

Facebook advertising services allowed me to precisely reach the target audience, and the campaigns brought a significant increase in traffic to my site. Great service and results exceeding my expectations!

Anna Wisniewska

With the help of Google Ads, I was able to quickly increase the visibility of my products in the search engine. The campaigns were very well optimized, which translated into an increase in sales.

Piotr Kowalski

The positioning that I was offered significantly increased my visibility in the search results. The site finally began to appear on the first page of Google, which brought in a lot of new customers.

Marta Nowak

Thanks to comprehensive sales support, my company has seen a huge increase in revenue. The strategy was precisely tailored to my needs and the market in which I operate.

Tomasz Zacak

I am very impressed with the website created for me. It is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also perfectly optimized for users and search engines. Thanks to it, I notice more traffic and better conversions.

Katarzyna Malinowska